I didn’t have trouble with my weight as a child so I never grasped the concept of being careful about what I ate; I just ate whatever I wanted. Of …
I May be Blind But I’m Not Lost
We are not always lost; contrary to popular belief. But what can a blind person do should they become lost? We have our own methods for navigating. Some work better …
The Magic White Cane and How it Works
When I first wake up each morning, I raise my magic white cane over my head and slowly wave it in the air three times. Then I just cast a …
My Adventures Interacting with the TSA
Where do I begin? I have been an avid traveler for many years now and have had my share of disturbing encounters with these folks. I have been blind for …
Why I Chose My Cane
As a blind person; I have two basic forms of navigation devices available to me. First; the traditional service animal, commonly referred to as a “seeing eye” or “guide” dog., …
Don’t Tread on My Gun Rights
Yes, this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. It may surprise you that a blind woman would enjoy owning and operating firearms. Growing up in …
Overcoming Low Self-Esteem
Imagine that. How does a person change their entire outlook? That was a really hard question for me to answer. As a blind woman; how did I know for sure …
Overcoming the Stigma of Using a White Cane
When I was first blinded I was told in word and action that my white cane was an embarrassment and that I; by extension, was an embarrassment as well. As …