Yes, this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. It may surprise you that a blind woman would enjoy owning and operating firearms.
Growing up in North-central Montana, guns were a normal part of my childhood experience. I learned a healthy respect for them at an early age. I remember watching my step-father as he would prepare to leave on a hunt. It was fascinating. He always took appropriate care to make sure everyone was safe. It really wasn’t hard to do. When he came back he would once again put everything away just right.
My step-mother was also a gun safety instructor in Minnesota and I had the opportunity to attend some of her classes. I even hunted in Montana later in life with my husband. So I feel like I have had sufficient exposure to firearms throughout my life to confidently make this statement; guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
It is important that we maintain possession of our right to bear arms so that we can protect ourselves from a possible tyrannical power that can emerge from within our very government at any time. It happens in other countries all the time. We better not be so foolhardy to think that we are immune to it here.
I have been watching and listening to what has been going on in America and around the world when it comes to gun violence. To me; my right to bear arms is one of the most important rights that are guaranteed to us in the Constitution. I am greatly concerned not only about our national security but our personal security in our homes if we lose our right to legally purchase and possess firearms. We can’t allow ourselves to be left at the mercy of our police; no matter how wonderful they are.
We all have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our neighbor when necessary and if we disarm the good guys; only the bad guys will have guns. What sense does that make?