I recently decided that I need to become far less tolerant of inaccessibility in my life. For years I’ve just settled for products that are not fully usable to me. I’ll tell you what I mean.
For example, my security system isn’t fully accessible to me. It can’t be adjusted without using the muted touch screen on the wall. I have always just accepted that I wasn’t worthy of owning products that could do everything that was promised when I bought them.
No more. As far as I’m concerned, if a company can’t make the product work for me all the way then I’m not dealing any more. I’ll take the product back after doing a scathing review of it. I don’t have time to mess around with products and companies who aren’t really concerned about my needs as a consumer. With today’s technology, the only reason for a product still being inaccessible is that the company just doesn’t care about the blind. How can I continue to do business with companies that so blatantly ignore my needs as a consumer?
There is absolutely no excuse for any product being inaccessible to the blind with modern day technology. I have decided that I will only do business with companies who can show me that I can use every single feature of the product completely independently. I will insist upon this and I will make such a big deal out of it that it will get noticed. I am so serious about this. The fact that any electronic remains inaccessible in today’s age is inexcusable.
Don’t you all agree?