After I finished my second memoir, Changing My Perspective, my writing hand felt itchy. I knew I had to write something else, or I’d just go mad. I decided to try my hand at composing fiction. What to write about though?
I realized I needed to write about what I knew. This is what gave me the idea for Gretch the Wretch.
It was so much fun writing about the adventures Gretchen Stone experiences as an attendee at her first National Federation of the Blind convention. How does Gretchen pull off her surprise win at the end?
Then, Saving Beth’s Baby just poured from my soul. In real life, Beth spent the entire second year of her first son’s life fighting that first court battle. Will Beth be able to save her son from the sinister greed of her mother’s lawyers?
I knew I was onto something with my strategy, so I continued to write.
Next, The Trials of Tracey Jones just popped out of me. In this story, I share the trials Tracey bravely faces head-on as the only blind student in her small, rural high school. Things don’t go too well for poor Tracey as she struggles to cope with high school with no accommodations. Will Tracey be in the lineup on graduation day in the spring?
Then, when Penni Plumber is dragged into court and stripped of her Constitutional Rights by her four parents and their sneaky lawyers, she finds herself asking the question: “So, what now?” Will Penni ever escape from their menacing plans for her?
I was so inspired as I wrote Metamorphosis. There are six stories in all. I hope my readers enjoy these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them for you.